Friday, June 27, 2014

Morocco diary part 1

Comment vous expliquer ce voyage au Maroc sans trahir la beauté du pays! Jamais je n’aurais cru découvrir de si belles choses au Maroc! Des mosaiques en passant par les paysages et les innombrables palais et mosquées, tout était magnifiques! Les marocains sont tellement gentils, et drôles aussi! Je suis rarement tombées sur des personnes antipathiques! 
Ici, les photos ont été prises à Beni Mellal, village d’origine d’une de mes amies avec qui j’ai fait le voyage. C’était un coté du Maroc super sympa à découvrir, et nous avons pu essayer la vie chez l’habitant à proprement parler. 
Niveau tenue, vu la chaleur, j’ai choisi de porter un simple top à bretelles et un pantalon fluide H&M comme ils les font si bien. La révélation, ce sont ces sandales Havaianas, super confos et pratiques pour marcher des heures comme nous l’avons fait, ainsi que mon cher et tendre Balenciaga qui s’est révélé un nouveau visage! Je n’aurais pas pu rêver mieux comme sac facile à transporter pendant toute la journée. 

A bientôt pour la suite des photos! xoxo

How to explain this trip to Morocco without betraying the beauty of the country! I never thought I would discover such beautiful things in Morocco! From mosaics tiles through landscapes and innumerable palaces and mosques, everything was beautiful! Moroccans are so nice, and funny too! I rarely met unsympathetic people! 
Here, the photos have been taken in Beni Mellal, the origin village of one of my friends with whom I traveled. It was a so great side of Morocco to discover, and we could try homestay life itself. 
About the outfit, because of the heat, I chose to wear a simple top with straps and fluid pants form H&M as they do so well. The revelation was these Havaianas sandals, super comfy and practical to walk for hours as we did, and my dear companion: my Balenciaga which has revealed a new face! I couldn't have asked for an easier bag to carry all day long. 

Stay tuned for more photos of my Moroccan trip! xoxo

Top: Zara
Pants: H&M
Bag: Balenciaga
Sandals: Havaianas
Sunnies: Céline


  1. How fabulous! I am going to Morocco in September. Can you please post all "finds", shops, purchases, restaurants, unique experiences-- especially in Marakesh?! Thanks!

    1. Thanks! Of course I will do that for you in my next posts about part2, part3, etc. I'm sure you will enjoy Morocco, this is such a beautiful country!

  2. Lovely! Got your tips!
    Now post your purchases, and where to shop! Pllleeeaaassseee!

    1. I didn't buy so much, only one little dress at Stradivarius because we don't have that shop in Belgium, and some argan oil for hair but that's all... There is this place called 'Place du 17 Novembre' where you can find Zara and so on, or the 'souks' in the old city of Marrakech, but nothing more :)
